Rome Total War 2 Funny Glitches

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  • avatar Tom

    September 27, 2013 at 11:24 pm

    I really do not see how people can enjoy this game the AI is just broken once you have 3 provinces it's a – too long – freewin…. 0 challenge even on legendary.

    Oh wait I know ! Those are nowadays gamers who like to get everything handed to them…


  • avatar Michael

    September 24, 2013 at 2:37 pm

    Totalling agree on the button issue. In one game i used my general to charge their range unit to waste them. And the sword button dont comes up. So my general just run close to them and stand there and got killed… T+T GG! It happens so many time and since I mostly on the attack side, I lost some battle.


  • avatar jon

    September 20, 2013 at 4:35 pm

    You know I watched that video, over and over again. No doubt the game has serious issues. No need to make crap up. You were like. look the button changed. And it did not change. then you go and click the damn thing twice…quite obviously I might add to show it messing up. wtf.


    • avatar Skyblade

      September 25, 2013 at 3:26 pm

      He didn't say the button had changed, he said the ICON had changed, which it had. The cursor icon, specifically. When you mouse over a unit, it changes the mouse cursor to an icon that is dependent on what activity you are trying to perform. Joe was pointing out (correctly) that he was getting the Ram mouse cursor when the Board button was highlighted. Double clicking the toggle changed the cursor icon back, which is why he did it so much. You may not have understood the problem, but it was definitely there.


  • avatar peter byrne

    September 15, 2013 at 8:20 am

    The men look like they have had face transplants.


    • avatar jon

      September 20, 2013 at 4:32 pm

      hey I love your reviews. but that Damn icon did not change. Don't make shit up.


  • avatar angryjoeamuse

    September 14, 2013 at 1:04 am

    =) apologists " This game is working fine or me." Wish the game was worth the investment and or my love of the original. Hope some idiot gets fired or more than one. When you have one the the best rated games of all times what makes you think changing primary game functions is rational…. Fuck em.


  • avatar icyironside

    September 10, 2013 at 7:12 am

    banned for the second time this week from tw forum,banned from steam forum for life for what for daring to speak openly about this shit game yet you make a whole video about how shit it is and your membership stays intact dont figure


  • avatar Triarii

    September 9, 2013 at 4:37 pm

    Heard the actual review got removed by some silly music company, pretty silly to do that on their part.

    Anyway, I haven't seen it yet before it got removed, but please, pleaaasseee I really hope you don't give rome 2 a score higher then 5 or 6 tops.

    I'm a long time total war fan, played it since rome 1, easily one of the most played games of all time for me personally, and rome 2 is a complete joke compared to rome 1.
    Even outside of the bugs and glitches, which is rediculous those made it in, everything that made rome great is just gone.
    Strategically rome 2 is just crap, no guard mode, no fire at will for pila armed infantry, no loose formation, battles last only 3 minutes, I can have the marian reformed legions at 255 bc already if I want (historically, this was around 100bc … so yeah), and just tons of other things like the stupid flags in open battles.

    I really, really wanted to love this game and it to be worth legendary 10/10 title, but it just … it isn't … a 6 at best, and even that is pushing it tbh, and it pains me alot to say this.

    Ask yourself, if this game was not from CA and just an independant title, this game wouldn't even have gotten past a 5 on the (obviously bribed) review sites, and how much would you have given this if that was the case?

    I think alot of people just suck ca's dick too much to open their eyes and see the mess of a game they released.
    They obviously wanted to cater to the CoD crowd, instead of their loyal fans to get as much profit out of it, instead of having a strong strategical and tactical title.


  • avatar Legion3000

    September 9, 2013 at 4:13 pm

    Can we talk AI for a minute here? CA have been making TW games for what, like 10 years now? This is the same fucking TERRIBLE AI from the original Shogun! It is just not acceptable for a company to keep shilling us these games and have not worked on the ai one bit.

    In 40 hours of Rome 2 I have never had a faction initiate war with me. Not once. I have also beaten the game…twice. See here is the thing, if you take 3 full provinces, you win. The computer will never take 3 provinces. You then have the resources (provided you are not derp) to crush any faction in turn at any time. The AI will never attack as a group and barely defends itself. Basically I'm just going to wait for the Darthmod or Stainless Steel guys to fix it. Because its pretty much broken.


  • avatar Lou

    September 9, 2013 at 10:59 am

    Its the Napoleon Total War AI all over again….Its the same damned accursed miserable stupid cannot make up its mind retarded AI ALL OVER AGAIN. I cannot believe I spend 60 bucks on this…God how it stings… I could have bought splinter cell instead… God….


  • avatar loposafxdluqml xlbmxhdp

    September 8, 2013 at 4:00 pm

    So many problems with A.I especially on siege mode!


  • avatar Amy

    September 8, 2013 at 2:24 pm

    This game is horrible, Joe is really lucky that's all that he gets. Mine is much more buggy. guys, I can't say this enough. DO NOT BUY THIS. At least not until it's been patched.


  • avatar SiliconN00B

    September 8, 2013 at 9:51 am

    HA! That video was pretty much all the review I need. Looks like a piece of shit.


  • avatar rogueralph

    September 8, 2013 at 4:42 am

    so far i am really enjoying the game 63 hours played according to steam.
    i did experience the naval bug and the not attacking bug Joe mentioned, but both were fixed in the first patch for me.
    i think they should of done a public beta to avoid most of the issues about the game being unplayable for some people (haven't experienced it myself but my pc is quite powerful)
    also giving a copy to Nvidia and AMD so they could release graphics drivers would of been nice.
    but they do appear to be trying to fix bugs etc.
    overall i do sense the hand of Corporate Commander at work though 🙂


    • avatar Legion3000

      September 9, 2013 at 3:33 pm

      I'm in your same line. My game runs fine (for once CA). But I can totally understand everybody's rage when it doesn't. When I was running AMD chipsets and Empire didn't support it I was PISSED!

      Corporate Commander absolutely had the stupid field flag mechanic put in. I just screams publisher shenanigans. Its terrible and needs to be removed NOW.


  • avatar Rick

    September 7, 2013 at 7:40 pm

    I played 22 hours but I have notice none of the A.I would attack my city even when I leave just two to three units of men in the city.


    • avatar Dorian

      September 7, 2013 at 7:53 pm

      That's not really indicative of much. I attacked Sparta in one turn, left a new army stack there and then immediately took Athens because it was undefended (Cyprus had taken it from the Athenians the turn before). The Athenians took Sparta from me the very next turn with a 20-large stack.


  • avatar simon

    September 7, 2013 at 5:43 pm

    i played for 30hours aswell and i didnt see any glitches really in the land battle, the only time the enemy would attack me with only 1 unit is when i already destroy all is city and main troops in epic 5000 vs 5000 battle. the flag mecanic is also not new, in medieval total war if you hold the center of the town or castle you will win aswell. i do agree the footage you show was funny and it felt glitchy too but i didnt encounter that myself. im having alot of fun so far with the game but my favorite one remains Medieval 2 Total war.


    • avatar Legion3000

      September 9, 2013 at 3:36 pm

      Yes but that was capturing a TOWN and the flag spawns at a strategically significant spot.. Its completely different when its an open field battle and the flag spawns in some absolutely random point on the random field. I can have a beautiful defense set up on a hill but no, the flag is down in an undefended gully. WHY!? it makes no fucking sense!


  • avatar adi

    September 7, 2013 at 1:05 pm

    Joe, after you punish CA for epic fail launch of Rome 2 Total War( and even Company of Heroes 2), You should make a review or a let play about a proper strategy game like Wargame: AirLand Battle(you promised in June before E3) because is a true contender to best Strategy of 2013(ya and Europa Universalis 4)


  • avatar Amatiel

    September 7, 2013 at 10:12 am

    Also, know that the Rome 2: Total War forums are being heavily censored at this time. Not even half the genuine disappointment threads are showing.


  • avatar Amatiel

    September 7, 2013 at 8:33 am


    Please pull no punches on this abortion of a game.

    Look on the forums and you will see that by far the majority of players are INCENSED at how CA and SEGA have butchered it.


    • avatar Dorian

      September 7, 2013 at 12:51 pm

      The idea that people complaining on forums is the "vast majority" of players is utterly laughable. People complaining on forums are a minority of a minority, by definition. Reasonable criticism from people on the forums has its place.

      Insane forum whining has been part of the Total War release cycle since *at least* when Rome originally came out. Back then all the players of the original Shogun and Medieval moaned about how Rome had "dumbed down" the franchise and all this other complete nonsense. It hasn't stopped since.


      • avatar Amy

        September 8, 2013 at 2:37 pm

        That's really funny since the majority on EVERY media site like YouTube, Twitter, TWC, and the Official forums has said the same thing. Hell, in multilayer, when I could actually connect someone, it was rare not to find someone who didn't hate this thing.


        • avatar Dorian

          September 8, 2013 at 8:20 pm

          Why do you think people complaining on any other social media site constitute a majority anymore than people complaining on forums? LOL @ TWC by the way. Those people are lunatics. The same people who back when the original Rome came out (who now like to pretend that it was handed down from on high by God himself, complete with burning bush) lost their shit because it was an utter betrayal of the original Shogun and Medieval: Total War. Has their ever been a Total War release that these chuckleheads haven't lost their minds over in the exact same fashion?


  • avatar Josh

    September 7, 2013 at 7:49 am

    Played Rome 2 for 35+ hours and haven't seen a single bug/glitch within the game


  • avatar Inugami

    September 7, 2013 at 7:17 am

    I am not a specialist, but I think that they can't board from the front and when they have orders to just attack straight ahead (like 3 ships at 1) it is obvious they will stuck.
    Hovever I don't know, why they are leaving the ship with full armor on them. Especially while boarding enemy ship.


  • avatar Confused Joe

    September 7, 2013 at 5:41 am

    Also, have you tried to play a naval battle with naval units as opposed to land units in transports?


  • avatar Confused Joe

    September 7, 2013 at 5:35 am

    Hey Joe,

    While you are right about some of the glitches and bugs in this game, having to select boarding action for each ship is not a bug/glitch. Could you imagine how immensely annoying it would be to give one unit an order only to have every unit of that type receive it?


  • avatar Rob McCune

    September 7, 2013 at 1:41 am

    Funny thing, I watched this video immediately after Rome 2 froze on me.


  • avatar Griffin

    September 6, 2013 at 11:40 pm

    hey Joe, after watching this i tried playing as Sparta and i attacked Epirus it seems to be a problem with Epirus if you play as Rome or the Iceni or the Arverni (those are the ones I've tried) the A.I should attack you. If not i apologise


  • avatar Rodus-Maxumus

    September 6, 2013 at 9:41 pm

    Once again CA has put out an unfinished game. I wonder if it will take CA six months to make it even playable like what happened with ETW. As far as I am concerned the Total War series plateaued with Rome 1.


  • avatar Grax

    September 6, 2013 at 2:26 pm

    It has some bugs and stuff that needs to be fixed (probably more than some) but it hardly deserves an "epic fail" which was given to the ride to hell game.


  • avatar Lettorius

    September 6, 2013 at 12:56 pm

    Thank god that the game was so laggy on my PC (although it should run it in the mid specs required though it run fairly well on low or medium it's also muddy as hell and i'm not playing a muddy game in the 21st century StarCraft the original looks better than this) i virtually couldn't play it because if I've seen these glitches I would have raged.

    Rome total war was second to SC in my book and I was really looking forward to this but … Jesus… huh. I'm just venting steam here.

    Please Joe enact a symbolic revenge for me.


    • avatar Lettorius

      September 6, 2013 at 1:05 pm

      I should've read my comment before posting it. Sorry for the bad English.


  • avatar Chiatroll

    September 6, 2013 at 12:48 pm

    At least they are already on the first patch. So it shows they are working on it. Planning to do a burst of very early patches.

    That doesn't mean they shouldn't of stuck with the original release date and released a finished game instead but just they are at least not leaving it dead in the water where it is.


  • avatar Dorian

    September 6, 2013 at 12:11 pm

    Hey Joe, are you just doing a campaign as Sparta? I figured playing as Rome or Carthage would've offered somewhat more depth, what with the three political parties each of them has.

    Personally I've played 12 hours as Rome – mercifully few bugs for me, though its clear there are some and it needs to be patched.

    I haven't had any experience with the tiny stack thing you mentioned- warring as Rome I've fought several stacks with over 10 units and a few with a full 20 – from relatively minor factions to boot. YMMV I guess.

    Have you mentioned how *hopeless* the cavalry is at killing routing units? This is something CA keeps breaking and fixing in every other game – it worked in Shogun 2 and now its broken again. WHY IS IT SO HARD FOR THEM TO GET THIS RIGHT?


    • avatar Einherjar

      September 7, 2013 at 5:10 am

      the A.I. attacked me also with 20 units BUT only when i came with my army to their capital (only city they had) and waited (to starved them out) for one turn and then 2 of their other armies came from i guess watch on the borders and together they kicked my ass BUT THEY NEVER EVER IN THE WORLD TAKE THEIR PRETTY BIG ARMY AND ATTACK E N Y O N E — NOT YOU NOT ENYBODY — WT.. WTF???? what is a point in having 140 factions if none not even rome expandes their empire EVER????????? i was looking forward to this game for over a year but it was like trying to find a key to closed chest for a year and then whe you opened it it has a big pile of steaming shit.. the game is good.. THAT'S IT!! this game should have been epic! the trailer/prewiev the ASSAULT ON CARTHAGO said: PRE-GAME FOOTAGE – ALPHA VERSION .. BUT THE GAME LOOKS THE FUCKING SAME aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.. i am so diasapointed in CA, I wil rather play Rome 1 for another half a year until they come out with patch for everything then playing this buggy mess


      • avatar humwha

        September 7, 2013 at 8:10 pm

        30 ish hours, game is not like perfect but it is entirely playable and completely fun. It is more casual but i hardly notice it just a different mechanic, makes it more strategic when you cant have 20 death stacks.

        The game is in no way a epic fail that gives a unfair impression of the game it is less than shogun in my opinion it's missing some of the minor details that made shogun great like the map, the art, it's not finally balanced and the AI can't compete but not many AI's do.

        I consider epic fail not worth playing , if you don't play this you would miss out on a great experience, even with the things that aren't perfect.


        • avatar Fragoos

          September 8, 2013 at 4:47 am

          Hello, i just want to say how bad i feel for CA now. The Total war series are all epic games. Ca already admit their wrong but the real blame should again go to Sega. People are also saying it got dumbed down for console release and such things are not in CA's hands anymore. I bet that idiot capture the flag system and super powers came from them as well. They even removed guard mode and loose formation and armies can flee into the sea with magical instant build boats that pawn early game dedicated navy.


        • avatar Genghis

          September 8, 2013 at 2:22 pm

          It is "playable" but not even remotely fun or challenging. You can play as any nation and just steamroll every AI.

          Diplomacy – I played ~100 turns and not once did an CAI declare war on me and nations I had +100 relations with refused trade agreements outright or wanted me to give them 11k in gold and nations that I was on the verge of eliminating wanting me to pay them for peace? lol gtfo AI, I'll just kill you.

          As for battles, just lol. They last ~5 minutes depending on how long the walk to the enemy takes, 30 seconds of fighting then an all out route by one side is just stupid.

          Numerous times a 1 stack army would suicide into my cities. How could i forget the 20 stack army compositions of 18 ranged units 1 melee and a general. Great job AI. Losing a battle against the AI was nearly impossible. Outnumbered 2:1 I won a battle losing 50 and killing 1000, that should never happen, except in maybe an ambush battle.

          Let's not forget your units that start cheering mid-battle when they route an enemy while their comrades are getting slaughtered 5 feet away.

          "if you don't play this you would miss out on a great experience"

          In it's current state you would not be missing anything.

          Playing a strategy game that requires no thought or "strategy" to win, yeah that's fun.


    • avatar Legion3000

      September 9, 2013 at 3:41 pm

      That is a good point that I keep forgetting to mention. The cav can't seem to kill routing units! They run around, sometimes right on top of them, but they don't attack. Very annoying bug.


      • avatar Bahadir

        September 26, 2013 at 8:01 pm

        Guys guys, lets agree on that shit;

        *Battles lasted just 3 minutes or less…
        *You may kick the out of the whole world just in half a day. (or 1 maybe 2).
        *Super powers, suddenly escaping to the sea with vessels.
        *AI spreading love through entire map !!
        * +54609458658 factions, just like sitting ducks.

        I spent my f.ckn 3 hours to defeat a simple Austrian army in ETW. See the difference. From now on, Im not going to give any shit made out by CA…




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