How to Put a Clickable Deviant Art Avatar in Description

Delight Note THESE DO Non Work ON THE Electric current FORMAT OF DA ECLIPSE

I am using deviant arts own assistance topic plant here I will exist expanding upon what they have with examples, to go far easier to understand. Just so you know I am using their outline and caption, if you would like to know which parts were mine and which are theirs just go to the site above :D

How can I create links to other deviants, deviations, or websites?

There are a few formats you can utilise, either a link of the users proper name, displaying the members avatar, or by linking with a personal description.

Avatar linking

:iconusername: will display the member'due south or group's avatar as a link to their folio. Think, however, that the limit for posting blocks of avatars is sixty four per post, and this volition not work in signatures.

This seems like shooting fish in a barrel enough, here I will use my own name. :iconamarantheans: volition give you :iconamarantheans:

Username linking

:devusername: -or- @ username  will requite you the fellow member'south or group's proper name equally a link.

Now if you just desire to link the proper noun of the other deviant this will assistance you out. Basicly it will make a clickable link so that anyone who wants to go direct there can just click on information technology, and if they have notifications enabled, the deviant that you link with get a message saying that their proper noun was linked.
Both of these will brand the same issue as you will see...
:devamarantheans: gives you lot Amarantheans
@amarantheans gives you lot Amarantheans

Text linking

In that location are HTML tags which can be used to add a link to something everywhere on deviantART. The standard link will show the start part of the URL truncated by an ellipsis (…). This is achieved by simply pasting a URL to the page, For example, view one of your images, copy the address down so just paste it wherever.

The second method is to use HREF tags (which will Non piece of work in the shout box) to requite your link a name, for instance, copy the address to the image downwards, and then use this format: <code><a href="Image URL accost">Name of Epitome</a></code>

The first role hither is cocky explanatory, so I will go into more depth on the second office. I will employ my ain image for an example. I will link you to my most favorited deviation... <a href="">DA Trophy</a> and you volition get this:  DA Bays

Image linking

This volition work with images that are on DA and on other sites too.
To link images in your journal please follow the code here, and replace the URL Address and Image URL Address with the proper information: <code><a href="URL address"><img src="Image URL accost" alt="Name of Prototype"></a></lawmaking>

First permit'due south link the picture of the DA Trophy in the instance higher up:
<a href=" 519333483"><img src="https://orig13."></a>

At present to link and image that is off site that cannot be linked with a :thumb: code:
<a href="http :// up-smiley-angry-faces-vector-illustration-image61881275"><img src="" alt="smiles"></a>


Earlier we get on I will explain the difference betwixt the URL accost and the Image URL accost.
You get the URL Address from the web address bar at the height of your browser, when you are on the deviation yous would similar to use. (If you lot are off dA trying to use an detail you volition need to right click and select "re-create address".)
You get the

Image URL address

when you right click on the paradigm itself and scroll down to "copy prototype address" and select it.

Difference linking

To link to images found on deviantART in your journal delight visit the divergence page and in the sidebar to the right under the "share" or "details" header please copy the code that starts with ":pollex:". Once you have copied that :thumb: code you tin paste information technology in to your journal and it will automatically generate a thumbnail image for that divergence when the journal is displayed on site.

This is quite simple again lets use my trophy icon::thumb519333483: looks like:
Da by Amarantheans
Also if you would like for the image to be larger than the usual thumb try this:
Regular :pollex:
Yawn by Amarantheans
Bigger :bigthumb:
Yawn by Amarantheans

(heads upwardly this only works in the comments department if you lot are a cadre member or have a premium membership, for those of us before core.)
At present thumb codes piece of work for everyone! Thumbnails in Comments At present Available to Everyone

Notation:  Regrettably, though it is allowed for yous to use thumb codes and such in the comments and on your journals it is unfortunate that information technology is a core exclusive when information technology comes to calculation them to a deviation clarification :( (Sad)  You can always make a complaint to the assist desk to hopefully get DA to amend its means. Here is the…

Media embedding

To embed a media widget please use the following lawmaking: <lawmaking><b><da:embed</b> <b>contour="</b>video blazon<b>"id="</b>ID of the video<b>"/></b></code>
For case:

  • dA Film:<b><da:embed profile="film" id="308380200"></b>
  • YouTube: <b><da:embed contour="youtube" id="xKBsTUjd910"></b>
  • Vimeo: <b><da:embed profile="vimeo" id="14803194"></b>
  • Soundcloud: <b><da:embed profile="soundcloud" id="79222021"></b> (Note: That ID is the number afterward /tracks/ in Soundcloud's own embed code)

This will work in your journals, comments, and widget boxes.
and the first one:<b><da:embed contour="youtube" id="xKBsTUjd910"></b>
Looks like this:

Pop up descriptions(tooltips)

You can besides add popup descriptions with a dotted underline to your links past using the < acronym>< /acronym> tag, and close using the tag, the format for this is the following. < acronym title="popup text">< a href="link Url">link description< /a>< /acronym>

So the following command;

<acronym title="Read information technology, learn information technology, love it."><a href="">deviantART FAQ</a></acronym>
would effect in the link,

deviantART FAQ

If however you wish to employ this code without a dotted underline and then you demand to use the following code below.

<a title="Read it, larn it, love it." href="">deviantART FAQ</a>
which would create the link,deviantART FAQ

Ok lets effort this 1 out with a link to my current contest...
What this will cause is a minor pop upward to, pop up when you put your mouse on the link: in my instance it will say "Come Join In On The Collaborative Fun!"

< acronym title="Come Bring together In On The Collaborative Fun!">< a href="amarantheans. 591369580">Awareness of The Arts Contest< /a>< /acronym>

Awareness of The Arts Competition
And for the no line:

< a title="Come Join In On The Collaborative Fun!" href="amarantheans 591369580">Awareness of the Arts Contest< /a>

Awareness of the Arts Contest

(This last function is actually non wanting to work in the journal format information technology keeps rewriting itself, and so I had to add spaces throughout the case text, if you would similar to copy and paste information technology from the original article run across

I hope this helps!


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