The Relationship Between Crime and Drug Use Scholarly Articles Peer Review

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  • PMC5608072

Drug Alcohol Depend. 2017 October 1; 179: 309–316.

Insights into the link between drug utilise and criminality: Lifetime offending of criminally-active opiate users

Matthias Pierce

aCenter for Mental Health and Safety, University of Manchester, 4th Flooring, Ellen Wilkinson Edifice, Oxford Road, M13 9PL, Britain

Karen Hayhurst

aMiddle for Mental Health and Rubber, Academy of Manchester, 4th Floor, Ellen Wilkinson Building, Oxford Route, M13 9PL, UK

Sheila K. Bird

bMRC Biostatistics Unit, Institute of Public Wellness, University Forvie Site, Robinson Way, Cambridge, CB2 0SR, United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland

Matthew Hickman

cSchool of Social and Customs Medicine, University of Bristol, Canynge Hall, 39 Whatley Road, Bristol, BS8 2PS, UK

Toby Seddon

dSchoolhouse of Law, Academy of Manchester, 4.46A Williamson Building, Oxford Road, M13 9PL, Uk

Graham Dunn

eastwardCentre for Biostatistics, University of Manchester, Jean McFarlane Building (Starting time Floor), Oxford Road, M13 9PL, Great britain

Tim Millar

aHeart for Mental Health and Safety, University of Manchester, quaternary Flooring, Ellen Wilkinson Building, Oxford Road, M13 9PL, UK

Received 2017 May 12; Revised 2017 Jul twenty; Accustomed 2017 Jul 22.



Nosotros test whether the offending trajectory of those who test positive for opiates is greater than exam-negative controls and whether the human relationship is constant both prior to, and post, opiate initiation. We consider whether these relationships differ according to gender and offence blazon.


The study provides an analysis of historical offending records in adults linked to examination results for opiate and cocaine metabolites. Those testing positive for opiates were linked to treatment records to retrieve data on age of opiate initiation. Charge per unit ratios (RR) were calculated to compare opiate positive testers to opiate and cocaine negative controls, separately past gender and adjusting for age and nascency accomplice. Historic period of opiate initiation was included in a 2nd model as a time-dependent variable. Within-subject clustering was accounted for using generalised estimating equations.


Opiate-positive cases had higher rates of offending than exam-negative controls, both prior to, and post, opiate initiation. Initiation of opiate use increased the RR by 16% for males but doubled it for females. The RR increase in non-serious acquisitive crime was greater than that seen in serious criminal offense. For males only, opiate initiation narrowed the difference in violent offending rate betwixt cases and controls. A larger offending increase was associated with opiate initiation in female, compared to male, users.


For most crime categories, the difference betwixt groups is exacerbated by opiate initiation. The findings indicate that opiate prevention initiatives might exist effective in reducing offending, particularly amongst females.

Keywords: Offending, Opiate utilise, Life-course offending

1. Introduction

Those dependent on heroin, and other opiates, are unduly involved in criminal activity (Bennett et al., 2008); in particular, acquisitive offending (crimes committed for financial gain) (Bukten et al., 2011, Pierce et al., 2015). The drugs-offense association is an important driver of Great britain policy, reflected in its prominence in the drug strategies of successive governments (HM Government, 2008, Habitation Office, 2010). Explanations of this association fall into three groups:

  • 1.

    Forward causation – drug use causes crime either through the need to: (a) fund drug use through economical necessity (Bennett et al., 2008); or (b) because of psychopharmacological changes precipitated by drug ingestion (Boyum and Kleiman, 2002, Brownstein, 2016, White and Gorman, 2000).

  • 2.

    Reverse causation – involvement with crime leads to drug use: opportunities for drug utilise increment with involvement in criminal behaviour (Hammersley et al., 1989).

  • 3.

    Confounding – law-breaking and drug use share a mutual (set of) cause(s): at that place is no direct causal relationship; rather drug apply and crime co-occur because of a mutual crusade or set up of causes (Seddon, 2006, Seddon, 2000).

The underlying causal machinery(s) is likely to be more circuitous than these explanations suggest (Bennett and Holloway, 2009, Seddon, 2000). Our previous piece of work has highlighted the demand for longitudinal studies with a non-drug user comparing group to examine the natural history of drug utilise and offending (Hayhurst et al., 2017). Whilst cantankerous-sectional studies can provide information on the extent of the drug-criminal offence association and its strength for different subgroups and offences, the aetiological debate requires longitudinal data to establish the timing of events and to gain knowledge on how the differences between users and not-users evolves over a person's lifetime.

Current evidence near the development of drug use and offending is constrained by design flaws in published studies, particularly the absence of suitable control groups. Our recent review of the bear witness base of operations on pathways through opiate apply and offending (Hayhurst et al., 2017) highlighted that research has focused on comparing offending that occurs prior to the initiation of drug use with offending that occurs thereafter. A typical example is the study by Anglin and Speckart (1988), which examined the criminal records and clinical data of male methadone patients. Nearly studies which make this comparison find that offending rates are substantially higher afterwards drug-use initiation (Hayhurst et al., 2017). This pre/post design fails to split up the effects of initiation from the effects of other factors which might also be related to offending, in particular, age, which correlates strongly with offending. In full general population samples, offending rates tend to peak during late adolescence (Sweeten et al., 2013) which coincides with the age of drug-apply initiation. For example, a large proportion (45%) of users in treatment services in the Northward West of England report age at offset use of heroin between xv and 19 years of age (Advisory Quango on the Misuse of Drugs, 2006). To disentangle the age furnishings from those of drug-employ initiation, it is crucial to command for historic period, using an appropriate control group. Similarly, gender is known to be a potent influence on offending trajectories and whilst some studies take shown the pre/mail service contrast is greater for females (Degenhardt et al., 2013), the lack of acceptable comparator groups limits the inferences which can be drawn.

This paper reports a retrospective cohort analysis to compare the historical offending trajectory of offenders according to drug test result. Prior analysis on this cohort considered offending rates in the 2 years prior to drug-test and found that testing positive for opiates was a greater predictor of excess offending than testing positive for cocaine. We therefore focus on opiate utilise, by comparing the historical offending trajectory of offenders who test positive for opiate use (opiate positives) with a control grouping who test negative for both opiate and cocaine use (test-negatives). This comparison is performed for all offences committed and for iii offence categories (serious acquisitive, non-serious acquisitive, violent) whilst decision-making for age and birth cohort, and separately by gender. Information about the age of showtime opiate use is used to consider whether the contrast between opiate positives and test-negatives is similar both before, and afterward, the initiation of opiate use. The following hypotheses are considered:

  • i.

    Opiate positives exhibit higher rates of offending than negative testers prior to opiate positives' initiation of opiate use;

  • ii.

    The initiation of opiate apply exacerbates the level of offending compared to negative testers;

  • 3.

    The effect of opiate-use initiation is dissimilar for males and females.

  • four.

    The effect of opiate-employ initiation differs by criminal offense type.

2. Methods

two.ane. Information

The analysis cohort was identified from those who received a saliva drug examination for opiate and cocaine metabolites following arrest, as recorded by the Drug Examination Record (DTR), over the menstruum 1st April 2005 to 31st March 2009. Age at drug-utilise initiation was obtained for the subset also recorded in the English National Drug Handling Monitoring System (NDTMS) over the same period. Accomplice members' complete recorded offending history (up to 31st March 2009) was extracted from the Police National Computer (PNC).

The cohort was defined from each subject'south first drug-test record which satisfied the post-obit criteria: (1) the subject area was eighteen–39 years old; (2) the test was completed and undisputed; and (iii) the discipline was charged and sanctioned post-obit their abort, as evidenced from a contemporaneous PNC tape. This cohort has been described in detail elsewhere (Pierce et al., 2015), with the modification here of a lower upper historic period range and the exclusion of Wales. The historic period range restriction was applied since the contour of individuals whose offending persists into their 40s may be atypical (Moffitt, 1993, Moffitt and Caspi, 2016). Those drug-tested in Wales were excluded because NDTMS has coverage for England but. From the analysis cohort, we ascertain opiate-positive cases equally those who, on arrest, tested positive for opiates and negative tester controls equally those who tested negative for opiates and cocaine.

The DTR records a mandatory saliva test for opiate and cocaine (crack or powder form) metabolites following arrest for a 'trigger' offence (pre-defined as associated with problem drug use), or at the discretion of the police officer in charge of the custody area. Trigger offences are: theft; robbery; burglary; vehicle theft; supply or possession of cocaine or heroin (Home Role, 2011). Data are retained on positive and negative saliva examination results, exam dates, reason for test and bones demographic information. Those who test positive are required to attend an initial assessment with a drugs worker who will help the user seek treatment and other back up.

The PNC is an operational database recording all UK arrests that result in a criminal charge. We consider the subset which resulted in a conviction or a caution, reprimand or alarm (i.e., sanctioned offences). All sanctioned offences committed by the individual were included, from age 10 (the age of criminal liability in England) up to the 2 weeks prior to the drug test. We excluded this two-calendar week catamenia to negate the upshot of the specific offence which resulted in the drug test.

NDTMS records information about individuals who seek handling for psychoactive substance-related problems past National Health Service and third-sector providers (Marsden et al., 2009). Information technology includes data well-nigh the age at which patients first used the drug they sought treatment for. Nosotros linked cases in the analysis cohort to NDTMS records for subjects treated for opioid dependence between 1st April 2005 and 31st March 2009. NDTMS has national coverage, so every subject who received drug treatment in this menstruation should have a record. The analysis was conducted on a complete case ground and those with missing age-of-initiation were described (see Appendix A in the Supplementary cloth).

Linkage between datasets was based on a minimal identifier (initials, date of birth and gender). Additionally, the PNC includes a unique identifier (PNC-ID). Those minimal identifiers with multiple PNC-IDs were excluded from the assay, as this was taken as indicating a duplicated record. All identifiers were anonymised prior to their release to the study team to ensure that features of the original data could non exist discerned.

2.2. Statistical analysis

In order to compare life-course offending between opiate-positive cases and negative test controls, offence counts per individual were grouped into 1-twelvemonth age bands and a generalised estimating equation (GEE) was fitted to the data. GEEs account for correlations within amassed observations; in this analysis, offence counts belonging to the same individual. Nosotros used a log-link function and included 'fourth dimension-at-risk' as an commencement, so that the model parameters are interpreted equally population-averaged estimates of the log increase in offending rate associated with a unit change in the variable. The exponential of this term is interpretable as a rate ratio (RR). The model employed an exchangeable correlation structure.

The assay considered two models. Using the whole cohort, the first model estimated the RR associated with beingness an opiate user, whilst controlling for historic period (in years: linear and quadratic terms) and birth cohort (year of birth categorised into: <1975, 1975–1979, 1980–1984, 1985+).

The second model included but those cases that had an NDTMS tape. This analysis included the aforementioned variables present in the first model with the add-on of the time-dependent variable 'initiated opiate use', which inverse value from zip to 1 for the twelvemonth where the user declared initiating opiate use, as per their NDTMS record. Inside this model at that place are two parameters of involvement: (i) beingness an opiate-positive instance; and (ii) the initiation of opiate use. In a model with both present, the first is interpreted as the RR of the change in offending, associated with being opiate positive, prior to opiate initiation; the 2nd equally the modify in the RR associated with opiate initiation. Linear combinations of these parameters can be used to derive the estimated change in offending rate associated with opiate-user condition, post-initiation of drug use. For instance, if the RR associated with being a case is 1.5 and the effect of 'initiation of opiate use' is 2 then the RR comparing cases and controls prior to initiation is 1.v and the RR post-onset of opiate use is 3.0. For ease of estimation we include all 3 estimates.

The analysis considered the categories of violent and acquisitive offences, with the latter disaggregated further into 'serious' and 'non-serious' acquisitive offences according to definitions used in local regime reporting (Audit commission, 2010). Sub-categories which fall nether serious avaricious crimes are: burglary; robbery; theft of a vehicle; and theft from a vehicle. Those that fall under not-serious acquisitive crimes are: prostitution; theft from a person; theft from a store; other theft; fraud and forgery; and drug supply offences. The offences that comprise these sub-categories are detailed in Appendix B (Supplementary material).

A number of those who tested positive for opiates also tested positive for cocaine. Our prior analysis (Pierce et al., 2015) demonstrated that those who tested positive for both drugs had rates of offending higher than those who tested positive for opiates only. Every bit a sensitivity analysis, we therefore consider whether the issue of opiate-use initiation was similar in those who tested positive for opiates only and those who tested positive for both drugs (see Appendix C in the Supplementary material).

3. Results

3.i. Accomplice description (Table i)

Table 1

Clarification of accomplice by DTR test.

Opiate positive (N=18,965) Exam negative (N=78,838) p-value *
Index exam consequence (%)
 Negative opiates and cocaine (0) 78,838 (100)
 Opiate positive, cocaine negative 7259 (38) (0)
 Opiate positive, cocaine positive 11,706 (62) (0)
Gender (%) 0.23
 Female 4614 (24) 18,854 (24)
 Male person xiv,351 (76) 59,984 (76)
Median age at test [IQR] 29.9 [25.eight–34.four] 24.0 [20.2–xxx.0] <0.001
Median number of past crimes [IQR] 25 [viii–50] 3 [0–13] <0.001
Median age at showtime recorded offence [IQR] sixteen.9 [xiv.7–19.5] 17.i [–20.iii] <0.001
Blazon of crime at first recorded offence (%)*
 Violence offences 1300 (ten) 6713 (14) <0.001
 Serious acquisitive 2595 (21) 7693 (xvi) <0.001
 Non-serious acquisitive 5059 (40) 17,390 (37) <0.001
 Other 3593 (29) 15,226 (32) <0.001
Missing age of initiation (%) 6238 (33)
 No linked NDTMS record 4530 (24)
 Missing historic period of initiation within NDTMS record 1708 (9)
Median age of initiation [IQR] xix [17,23]
 Males 19 [17,23]
 Females 19 [16,22]

The analysis cohort consisted of 18,965 opiate-positive cases and 78,838 test-negative controls. A quarter of both groups were female. Cases were older at their drug exam (p < 0.001) and younger at their start recorded offence (p < 0.001). Cases were more likely to have a conviction for a serious avaricious offence at this date (p < 0.001) and less likely to have a confidence for a violent offence (p < 0.001).

Threescore-vii per cent of opiate-positive cases had complete data on historic period-of-initiation. The majority of missing data were due to cases non having a linked treatment record (see Appendix A in the Supplementary textile). The median historic period of initiation was like for men and women.

3.ii. Offending history (Tabular array ii)

Table ii

Offending rates for four categories of offences.

All crimes
Non-serious acquisitive crimes
Serious avaricious crimes
Trigger-happy crimes
Gender Category person years follow-upwards Number Rate [95% CI] Number Rate [95% CI] Number Rate [95% CI] Number Rate [95% CI]
Male non-users 923,663 837,019 0.91 [0.90, 0.91] 176,783 0.nineteen [0.19, 0.xix] 150,177 0.16 [0.xvi, 0.sixteen] 61,730 0.07 [0.07, 0.07]
Opiate users 290,007 528,153 ane.82 [1.82, 1.83] 153,031 0.53 [0.53, 0.53] 103,654 0.36 [0.36, 0.36] 25,247 0.09 [0.09, 0.09]
Pre-initiation 96,491 115,682 1.xx [1.19, 1.21] 25,285 0.26 [0.26, 0.27] 34,317 0.36 [0.35, 0.36] 6672 0.07 [0.07, 0.07]
Mail-initiation 97,788 270,885 2.77 [2.76, 2.78] 91,148 0.93 [0.93, 0.94] xl,917 0.42 [0.41, 0.42] 10,796 0.xi [0.11, 0.11]
Initiation missing 95,728 141,586 ane.48 [1.47, 1.49] 36,598 0.38 [0.38, 0.39] 28,420 0.30 [0.29, 0.30] 7779 0.08 [0.08, 0.08]
Female person non-users 304,612 100,525 0.33 [0.33, 0.33] 51,518 0.17 [0.17, 0.17] 4194 0.01 [0.01, 0.01] 8192 0.03 [0.03, 0.03]
Opiate users 87,373 120,336 one.38 [1.37, 1.39] 66,637 0.76 [0.76, 0.77] 4509 0.05 [0.05, 0.05] 4840 0.06 [0.05, 0.06]
Pre-initiation 32,839 15,139 0.46 [0.45, 0.47] 8335 0.25 [0.25, 0.26] 1096 0.03 [0.03, 0.04] 1149 0.03 [0.03, 0.04]
Mail service-initiation 29,807 80,056 ii.69 [2.67, 2.seventy] 44,767 ane.l [1.49, ane.52] 2451 0.08 [0.08, 0.09] 2523 0.08 [0.08, 0.09]
Initiation missing 24,727 25,141 1.02 [ane.00, 1.03] 13,535 0.55 [0.54, 0.56] 962 0.04 [0.04, 0.04] 1168 0.05 [0.04, 0.05]

In total, the cohort had 1.6 million sanctioned offences. For men, the rate of historical offending for opiate-positive cases was almost double that for exam-negative controls (charge per unit per year, opiate users: 1.82; not-users: 0.91; p < 0.001); the rate for opiate-positive females was more iv times that for test-negative females (opiate users: 1.38; non-users: 0.33; p < 0.001). For both male and female person opiate users, the rate of offending was lower prior to initiation of opiate apply compared to post-initiation. For males and females, the rate of violent and serious avaricious offending peaked during the belatedly teens, whilst the rate of non-serious acquisitive offences had a after peak (Fig. 1a and b).

Fig. 1

Offending rates, per year past historic period, opiate users and not-users for: (a) male, not-serious avaricious offences; (b) male, serious acquisitive offences; (c) male, trigger-happy offences; (d) female, not-serious acquisitive offences; (e) female, serious avaricious offences; (f) female, violent offences.

3.3. Comparison of offending trajectory opiate-user cases vs. non-user controls (Table three)

Table 3

Results of Generalised Estimating Equation analysis comparing historical offending rates of opiate users and non-users using whole sample (Model one, N = 97,803) and those with complete information on historic period of initiation of opiate use (Model 2, Northward = 91,565), separately for males and females and for four categories of offences.

Model aneb
Model 2c
Model aneb
Model 2c
Offence category Variable RR 95% CI RR 95% CI RR 95% CI RR 95% CI
All crimes Opiate users vs. non-users 1.99 [1.96, ii.01] iv.59 [iv.48, 4.69]
Initiation of opiate employ ane.16 [1.15, i.17] ii.00 [1.95, 2.05]
Users (pre-onset) vs. non-users 2.00 [ane.97, two.03] 2.lxxx [2.71, ii.90]
Users (post-onset) vs. non-users 2.32 [2.29, 2.35] 5.61 [5.47, five.75]
Agea one.92 [ane.92, 1.93] 1.90 [1.90, i.91] 2.53 [two.51, 2.55] two.32 [2.30, ii.34]
Age-squareda 0.77 [0.77, 0.78] 0.77 [0.77, 0.77] 0.78 [0.78, 0.78] 0.79 [0.79, 0.79]
<1975 0.75 [0.74, 0.76] 0.74 [0.73, 0.75] 0.62 [0.60, 0.64] 0.68 [0.66, 0.70]
1975–1979 0.86 [0.85, 0.87] 0.85 [0.84, 0.86] 0.78 [0.76, 0.fourscore] 0.82 [0.79, 0.84]
1980–1984 Ref Ref Ref Ref
1985+ one.32 [1.30, i.34] ane.33 [1.31, one.35] 1.76 [1.71, i.82] ane.71 [ane.65, 1.76]
Non-serious acquisitive Opiate users vs. non-users ii.65 [2.61, 2.69] four.79 [four.66, 4.91]
Initiation of opiate employ 1.72 [ane.69, 1.75] 2.18 [ii.11, 2.25]
Users (pre-onset) vs. non-users one.97 [one.92, 2.02] 2.73 [two.62, 2.85]
Users (postal service-onset) vs. non-users 3.39 [3.34, three.45] 5.95 [5.78, 6.12]
Age 1.85 [1.84, 1.85] 1.74 [ane.73, 1.75] 2.46 [two.43, 2.48] 2.23 [ii.20, two.25]
Age-squared 0.83 [0.83, 0.83] 0.83 [0.83, 0.83] 0.76 [0.76, 0.77] 0.78 [0.77, 0.78]
Historic period-cohort
<1975 0.87 [0.85, 0.89] 0.92 [0.90, 0.93] 0.lxxx [0.78, 0.83] 0.90 [0.87, 0.93]
1975–1979 0.95 [0.93, 0.97] 0.96 [0.94, 0.98] 0.88 [0.85, 0.91] 0.93 [0.89, 0.96]
1980–1984 Ref Ref Ref Ref
1985+ i.08 [1.05, 1.10] 1.05 [1.02, one.07] ane.30 [1.25, ane.35] 1.26 [i.21, 1.32]
Serious avaricious Opiate users vs. non-users 1.84 [one.81, ane.87] 4.11 [3.85, 4.38]
Initiation of opiate apply 1.25 [ane.22, one.27] 1.76 [ane.62, 1.92]
Users (pre-onset) vs. not-users 1.87 [one.82, 1.91] 3.xvi [ii.88, 3.46]
Users (mail-onset) vs. not-users two.33 [2.27, 2.38] 5.58 [five.xix, 6.00]
Historic perioda i.xvi [1.xv, 1.16] 1.xi [i.11, 1.12] ane.39 [1.36, i.42] one.27 [1.23, ane.30]
Age-squareda 0.66 [0.66, 0.66] 0.65 [0.64, 0.65] 0.81 [0.80, 0.82] 0.81 [0.80, 0.83]
<1975 0.83 [0.81, 0.84] 0.73 [0.71, 0.75] 0.75 [0.69, 0.82] 0.84 [0.77, 0.93]
1975–1979 1.forty [1.37, ane.43] 1.39 [1.36, 1.42] 0.83 [0.76, 0.91] 0.xc [0.82, 0.99]
1980–1984 Ref Ref Ref Ref
1985+ i.05 [1.02, 1.07] 1.06 [1.04, 1.09] ane.44 [1.31, 1.57] i.46 [1.33, i.61]
Violent offences Opiate users vs. non-users 1.39 [1.36, ane.42] ii.42 [2.30, 2.55]
Initiation of opiate use 0.75 [0.72, 0.77] 1.04 [0.96, ane.13]
Users (pre-onset) vs. non-users 1.79 [1.72, 1.85] ii.51 [2.31, 2.72]
Users (post-onset) vs. non-users 1.34 [, 1.37] 2.61 [two.45, 2.77]
Agea 1.85 [1.84, one.87] i.91 [i.89, ane.93] 1.79 [1.76, 1.83] ane.80 [1.75, 1.84]
Age-squareda 0.lxxx [0.eighty, 0.81] 0.80 [0.80, 0.80] 0.88 [0.87, 0.89] 0.88 [0.87, 0.89]
<1975 0.71 [0.69, 0.73] 0.67 [0.65, 0.69] 0.43 [0.40, 0.47] 0.44 [0.41, 0.48]
1975–1979 0.71 [0.69, 0.73] 0.69 [0.67, 0.71] 0.threescore [0.56, 0.65] 0.61 [0.56, 0.65]
1980–1984 Ref Ref Ref Ref
1985+ 1.87 [1.82, 1.92] 1.92 [1.86, 1.97] 2.53 [2.38, 2.70] ii.59 [2.43, 2.78]

iii.3.ane. Model i: change in offending trajectory

Controlling for historic period, historic period-squared and age-cohort, male opiate positive's prior total offending charge per unit was double that for exam-negatives (Rate Ratio: one.99, 95% CI: ane.96–2.01); for females, it was over four times greater (RR: 4.59, 95% CI: 4.48–four.69). There was a relative increment in all categories of offending associated with beingness opiate-positive, with a greater increment for females than for males. The greatest increment associated with being an opiate–positive was for females and for the category non-serious acquisitive offending (RR: 4.79, 95% CI: 4.66–four.91). The lowest increment was for males and for the violent offences category.

3.3.2. Model 2: change in offending trajectory accounting for initiation of drug use

The pre-initiation offending rate for male person opiate-positive cases was double the rate for exam-negative controls (RR = 2.00, 95% CI: 1.97–two.03), whilst the equivalent increased charge per unit for females was 2.80 times (95% CI: 2.71–2.ninety). Initiation of opiate employ increased the RR past 16% for males and 100% for females. Thus, the post-initiation rate was ii.32 times greater for cases than controls amid males (95% CI: 2.29–ii.35) and 5.61 times greater for females (95% CI: 5.47–5.75).

Both male and female cases had higher historical rates of non-serious and serious acquisitive offences prior to, and subsequent to, initiation of opiate use. For both serious and non-serious acquisitive offending categories and for both genders, initiation of opiate utilize increased the difference betwixt cases and controls. Additionally, for both genders, in that location was a greater increase in the RR associated with initiation of opiate use for non-serious acquisitive crimes than serious crimes. In the case of violent offences, for females, the comparing between cases and controls was similar pre, and post, opiate-use initiation (RR: 2.51 and two.61 respectively); the effect of opiate-use initiation in males was to reduce the RR (RR: one.79 and 1.34).

We observed cohort effects; for instance, controlling for historic period and drug-test status, later birth cohorts had college rates of overall historical offending than earlier nativity cohorts. However, this did not concur for the sub-categories of not-serious acquisitive crime, where each nativity cohort had a similar charge per unit of offending, or for serious acquisitive crime where, for men, earlier nascency cohorts had a higher rate of offending.

A sensitivity analysis which separated the opiate-positive group into those that tested positive for opiates only and those that tested positive for opiates and cocaine, showed that the effect of opiate initiation was similar for both (see Appendix C in the Supplementary cloth).

4. Discussion

4.1. Summary of main findings

Those testing positive for opiates had substantially higher rates of prior sanctioned offending over their life-form than those testing negative for opiates and cocaine. This finding held for both males and females, whilst controlling for age and nascence accomplice. Findings support our four a priori hypotheses regarding offending prior to, and mail, opiate-use initiation: 1) opiate–positives had higher rates of offending than exam-negative controls prior to their opiate-employ onset; two) initiation of opiate use exacerbates existing levels of offending compared to controls; 3) initiation of opiate employ was associated with a larger increase in the rate ratio (RR) for female than male person users; four) the event of opiate-use initiation on historical offending differs by offense type as well as by gender.

Of item involvement is the RR reduction in tearing offending associated with opiate utilise initiation observed in male users; while for female users, the RR was relatively unchanged. Opiate-utilise initiation was associated with greater acme in non-serious (e.chiliad., shop-lifting) than serious (eastward.g., break-in) acquisitive criminal offense for both male and female users.

Our previous work demonstrated the clan between opiate use and recent offending, whilst highlighting that the forcefulness of the association varies by gender and offence type (Pierce et al., 2015). The present study expands on this analysis to investigate the longitudinal relationship between opiate-use initiation and crime. The majority of research carried out to examine the association between opiate apply and criminal offence has used a single cohort, pre/post pattern (Hayhurst et al., 2017), rather than a dissever control group. Our use of offending records over the life-course, together with a suitable command grouping of non-using offenders, whilst also decision-making for age and birth cohort, are all of import design strengths. Additionally, we utilize a large sample size (northward = 18,965 cases; n = 78,838 controls) to supply the necessary statistical ability needed to observe differences differentiated by gender and sub-category of offending.

iv.2. Limitations

The current written report has some weaknesses. Outset, the use of a retrospective design limits the inferences that can be made – for instance, we cannot assess the influence that prior offending has on the likelihood of time to come opiate utilise. Nosotros are unable to hypothesise the extent to which offending prior to opiate-use initiation is associated with use of other substances, such equally cannabis or alcohol, which may precede opiate utilise initiation (Lessem et al., 2006, Lynskey, 2003). Also, the opiate-using cohort may non be representative of opiate users in general. The accomplice is sampled from individuals who received a drug test on arrest and were after sanctioned; therefore, it is of greater relevance to opiate-using offenders.

The measures used are imperfect. Drug-using offenders may be more than likely than non-users to exist apprehended (Bond and Sheridan, 2007, Stevens, 2008) due, for case, to intoxication leading to easier identification. This may account for some of the differences detected in the current analysis, and, potentially, for differences in the menstruation prior to initiation of opiate use, during which the likelihood of arrest may be affected by misuse of other substances, simply this explanation is unlikely to business relationship for the strength of the association observed hither. Our work corresponds with previous inquiry highlighting high levels of offending in opiate users prior to opiate-use onset (Shaffer et al., 1987); suggestive of mutual factors underlying both behaviours. Additionally, misclassification of not-cases was axiomatic: vii% of negative testers were linked to an NDTMS tape confirming drug-user status. Cases were identified via a saliva test which, despite having high sensitivity and specificity (Kacinko et al., 2004), only detects opiates used up to 24 h prior to testing(Verstraete, 2004) and so may not have identified less-problematic users. Whatsoever such misclassification would hateful that the opiate-user and non-user group identified in this written report are more similar than they would exist under any 'gold-standard' testing procedure, meaning that the results presented are likely to exist overly conservative, therefore not disputing our conclusions.

There was missing data on age of initiation for 33% of opiate positive testers; the majority because they did not take a treatment record over the data collection menstruation. Secondary assay of those with missing data (see Appendix A in the Supplementary material) showed that those who were not linked to NDTMS were less likely to test positive for both opiates and cocaine and were more probable to be male. Inspection of the graphs of offending charge per unit by age group shows that those with missing linkage to NDTMS records had lower rates of offending over the life-class than those with consummate information (see Appendix Due east in the Supplementary textile). This could be because individuals who had not sought treatment were a shorter time into their using careers and not caught in a cycle of addiction and offending seen among those in this assay. Therefore, the generalisability of these results might be affected by our focus on those individuals with a linked treatment record (75% of our accomplice).

The findings of the nowadays written report are subject area to unmeasured confounding. Data on important social factors, such as substance utilise or criminal behaviour among family members, was not available; neither was socio-economic status (Gauffin et al., 2013). Even so, fifty-fifty if suitable information were available, it may be difficult to establish the temporal ordering of modify in socio-economic condition and drug-use initiation.

4.3. Implications and findings in relation to other prove

Our findings are direct relevant to Regime drug policy as they are derived from individuals who accept persisted in both their opiate utilize and offending. The findings confirm the human relationship betwixt opiate apply and offending observed by others (Bennett et al., 2008, Bukten et al., 2011). We were too able to demonstrate that opiate-use onset is associated with crime escalation, independent of changes which occur with age. Therefore, initiation of opiate employ appears to be a crucial driver of offending; measures to reduce offending should include drug-employ prevention.

Others have highlighted that onset substance use in offenders impedes the process of "maturing" out of crime described by the age-crime curve (Hussong et al., 2004, Ouimet and Le Blanc, 1996, Schroeder et al., 2007). Greater escalation of offending, compared to controls, mail service-opiate initiation, was seen in female person than male users. This confirms the findings of a recent review, which indicated lower offence rates pre-opiate utilize in females than males only a greater escalation of offense subsequent to opiate-use onset in females (Hayhurst et al., 2017).

The absence of a human relationship between fierce crime and onset-opiate apply in this study is of significance. Our previous work found a potent association between women testing positive for opiate use and recent violent offending, although such offences were only recorded in viii% of women (Pierce et al., 2015). The electric current study indicates no apparent increase in vehement offending by women associated with opiate initiation, and a relative reduction in violent criminal offence for men. This finding tallies with previous inquiry indicating no confirmed relationship between trigger-happy crime and onset-substance utilise (Parker and Auerhahn, 1998, White and Gorman, 2000).

The large impact of opiate-utilise initiation on not-serious avaricious crime mirrors that of our previous work, which demonstrated a rate of shoplifting in opiate users that was between 3.5 (males) and 4.7 (females) times that of non-using offenders (Pierce et al., 2015). These findings could be explained by opiate users focussing on criminal activity that generates sufficient income to support current drug use and that is within the skill set of the individual user (James et al., 1979).

iv.4. Further inquiry

Previous enquiry indicated greater increases in offending levels postal service-opiate apply in individuals with onset of opiate utilize at an earlier age (Hayhurst et al., 2017). This corresponds with key offending theories in demonstrating that early antisocial or delinquent behaviour is associated with a more pronounced offending trajectory (Moffitt, 1993). Information technology would be informative to examine this interaction farther with the utilize of a control cohort. It would too be advantageous to analyse prospective, longitudinal cohorts so that information could be incorporated on those who desist in their offending and opiate use.

4.5. Conclusions

We have previously highlighted a surprising lack of high-quality research with which to delineate the nature of the relationship between drug employ, in general, and opiate use, in particular, and crime. This is i of a scattering of studies to employ a control group to account for the well-known relationship between age, drug use and criminal offence. Findings bespeak a more than complex drugs-crime relationship than that consort by electric current drug policy (Home Office, 2010) with already higher than expected levels of offending in those who become on to utilize drugs, such as opiates, problematically and whose offending behaviour then escalates. Having a more nuanced understanding of the nature of the drugs-offense relationship is crucial to the development of policy responses underpinning decisions near how best to arbitrate to interrupt the pathway from onset criminal offense to onset substance employ (Hayhurst et al., 2017). Findings suggest that complex interventions that target young, particularly female, offenders are required. Indeed, our findings align with the conclusions of others who have suggested that it is quite viable to identify futurity problematic substance users past patterns of early-life delinquent and offending behaviour, allowing for targeted intervention (Macleod et al., 2013).


This research was funded every bit office of the Insights study by the UK Medical Research Council (MR/J013560/1). The MRC had no farther role in study design; in the collection, assay and interpretation of data; in the writing of the written report; or in the decision to submit the newspaper for publication. The Habitation Office accept been provided with a pre-submission version of this manuscript but have not exerted whatsoever editorial control over, or commented on, its content. Sheila Bird is funded by Medical Research Council program number MC_U105260794.


Millar, Pierce and Hayhurst conceived of the study. Pierce with input from Bird wrote the analysis plan. Pierce analysed the information and wrote a first draft of the manuscript. Millar, Bird and Dunn supervised information analysis. All interpreted the data, edited, and approved of the manuscript.

Conflicts of interest

Millar has received research funding from the Uk National Treatment Bureau for Substance Misuse and the Abode Office. He has been a member of the organising committee for conferences supported by unrestricted educational grants from Reckitt Benckiser, Lundbeck, Martindale Pharma, and Britannia Pharmaceuticals Ltd, for which he received no personal remuneration. He is a fellow member of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs. Bird holds GSK shares. She is formerly an MRC programme leader and has been elected to Honorary Professorship at Edinburgh University. She chaired Home Office'southward Surveys, Design and Statistics Subcommittee (SDSSC) when SDSSC published its study on 21st Century Drugs and Statistical Science. She has previously served every bit UK representative on the Scientific Committee for European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. She is co-principal investigator for MRC-funded, prison house-based N-ALIVE pilot Trial. Seddon has received inquiry funding from the Uk National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse and the Domicile Office. Hayhurst has received grant enquiry funding from Change, Grow, Live (CGL), a 3rd-sector provider of substance misuse services.


A number of organisations and individuals enabled access to information to back up this research, including: The Dwelling Function, The Ministry building of Justice, Dr Sara Skodbo, Maryam Ahmad, Anna Richardson, Hannah Whitehead, and Nick Manton.


Appendix A. Supplementary data

The post-obit is Supplementary data to this article:


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